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Unison Church: An Introduction

Michael Shawn Carbaugh II

Updated: Dec 15, 2022

What is Unison Church and why is it here on my computer screen?

A Church Plant In Progress

Unison Church is a church-to-be. It's a church that is soon to have a location and dedicated service times, but, for now, it is beginning as an online initiative to prioritize unity with Christ and unity with one another. And this blog is its beginning! You get to be a part of the ground floor ministry of Unison Church!

Its Conception...

As I was deciding what to do with my life, I couldn't figure out what to choose. I had two primary passions coming out of high school. I loved music. Writing music in particular. But I also loved the church and I loved being a part of ministry. So I came up with a plan. I was going to start a church that shared a space with a music studio. As I studied and began my professional career, I found a new passion as well: Games! And so I came up with a project, a project that I now call Unison Co. I also like to refer to it as the Unison Umbrella! Essentially, this project is three businesses that will eventually share a parking lot with one another: Unison Church, Unison Studios, and Unison Games. Unison Studios and Unison Games have become official businesses despite not having their own physical location and now it's time for Unison Church to take it's first step as well!

The Motivation

As a kid, I grew up in the church. My father was a pastor of a small church, which meant that my entire family was deeply involved with the ministry of that church. Then I went out of state to attain my Music degree. When I graduated, I returned to my home church to become a pastor alongside my father in 2017. Because of my deep involvement with the church for my entire life, really, I have seen what it is behind the scenes. I've seen the very best of it right along side the very worst. The best parts of the church were there for me. I've experienced the blessings of being deeply ingrained in a Christian community. But the worst parts hurt me deeply. Because of my close connection with the church's ministry the offenses present in the church didn't just hurt the church; they hurt me personally.


     I know many people who have left the church for some of those offenses. However, I recognize the church as something that is much bigger than its flaws. The Scripture is clear that church is bigger than people. It's not something that Jesus-followers just decided to do. It isn't just a tradition. It's actually something that is mandated by God. Plus, I had experienced the benefits of being part of a church as well. So, as a budding teenage leader I decided that it would be a waste of my unique church experience to simply attend church and live with its problems. I decided that I was going to be part of the solution. I was going to spend my life warring against some of the Christian tropes, dogmas, and traditions that have often led its members away from being wholly committed to following and knowing Jesus. Out of that determination, Unison Church was born.

     I was recently talking with a friend of mine who has been out of the church for some time, but who is still interested in what God has say. I made a comment something like this: "Anytime church people make Christianity about anything other than following and getting to know Jesus, they've moved away from what God intended." Unison church is devoted to encouraging people to pursue Jesus in such a way that they become, as many theologians have worded it, united to Christ. This is more than just going to church. It's more than just adopting Christian ideals. It's about living a life completely surrendered to Jesus and His will such that our life is not longer about us; It becomes all about Him. As the well known words are written in Galations 2:20: "I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."

If you've read anything about Jesus, you know that He was all about people. He not only wanted His followers to be united to God, but also united to one another. Time and time again in the New Testament, Jesus-followers are encouraged to love one another in ways that are unparalleled outside the church. So Unison Church is devoted to promoting both unity with Christ, but also unity with one another. After all, this is what Jesus claimed would differentiate His followers from the rest of the world. (John 13:35)

Join the Ministry!

Unison Church is beginning here! There may not be a physical service or location yet, but there are two ways you can get involved right now. The first one is to follow this blog. The best way to do that is by getting connected on Facebook with me, Michael Shawn Carbaugh II and with the church where I currently serve on staff: Pond Hill Baptist Church.

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