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Archive: God's word

Michael Shawn Carbaugh II


May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, Lord Psalm 19 has been one of my favorite portions of Scripture for a while now. I especially like the final verse, but I want to take a look at the whole Psalm. I think considering the psalm as a whole unit can open up out interpretation even more, so let's take a look: (the whole psalm is provided to the left using the HCSB version) In verses 1-6, David sings of the glory of God's creation. He says that "the heavens declare the glory of God and the sky proclaims the work of His hands" in verse 1. In verses 7-11, he talks about the written word of God. He says that God's instruction is beautiful. His word brings David so much joy. Finally, David asks God to purify him in verses 12-14: "Who perceives his unintentional sins? Cleanse me from my hidden faults. Moreover, keep Your servant from willful sins; do not let them rule over me. Then I will be innocent and cleansed from blatant rebellion. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer." The flow of this Psalm is so intriguing to me. It begins with a creation that God created with mere (yah right! His words are far from "mere") words. Now creation declares the glory of God. Then, David talks about God's recorded word that makes up what we know as the Bible. Finally he asks God to transform Him. See, I think David understood the transformative power of God's word. He can see it in creation and he can read it in the Bible. As he asks God to cleanse him, he's asking God to transform him with His word. He wants's God's Word to transform his life, and it surely will. That transformative power is available to all of us by the written word of God and through the embodiment of those words, Jesus, the Word of God (John 1). Like David, lets pray and ask God to cleanse us with His Word.

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